2 Dec Minutes

MACRL Leadership Team Meeting

Dec. 2nd, 9am

Attending: Carol Smith (UCM), Jodie Borgerding (Webster), Kimberlee Reid (MLA Pres.), Margaret Booker (MLA Exec. Director), Marty Miller (MCC Longview), Sandy Schiefer (MU), Brent Husher (UMKC). Cynthia Dudenhoffer (CMU).


1.Leadership Updates:

a.Cynthia will be attending the ACRL Chapter Councilor’s meeting at ALA Midwinter in Boston on January 17th.

b.Marty  reported on the board meeting.  She stated that an RFP for financial services was being developed, and that a plan for division of duties was being developed, to deal with the loss of the Executive director.   Work will be divided amongst appropriate officers, interest groups,  and committees.


2.  Webinars

a.A goal was set of holding one webinar per month, hopefully beginning in Feb. of 2010.  Jodie will send out a call for volunteers to find a coordinator for the webinars.  Brent will send out a call for proposals at a later date. 



a.A subcommittee was formed consisting of Marty, Jodie, and Cindy to work on the website.  A call for volunteers will be sent to hopefully solicit 2 more MACRL members to be on this committee. 

b.The website should incorporate elements that are working well on the wiki, to better inform the broader membership.


4.Open Letter to Public Libraries

a.Carol reported that response has been excellent and very positive, both from academic and public librarians.  In response to the letter, MACRL has been asked to speak at the MO Public Library Directors meeting on Dec. 3rd, and at the Mid-Size Library Directors group.

b. Carol has identified regions to set up a “Librarians Who Lunch” program to connect all types of librarians for informal meetings.  These will commence in the new year.


5.MLA Conference 2010

a.Brent suggested that a conference coordinator for MACRL be identified, to take responsibility for managing proposals, feedback etc, to take the burden off of the president and to provide another opportunity for membership involvement.  A call for volunteers will be sent.


6.Recruitment Policy

a.Brent will draft a plan and send to the Leadership committee for feedback

b.The consensus opinion was that a personal approach is preferred rather than mass mailings, but logistics need to be examined.

c.A note will be added to the call for volunteers.


7.ACRL Chapter Newsletter

a.Must be submitted by this Friday.  Cindy will write the report and send out for feedback.


Jodie adjourned the meeting (seconded by Marty) at 10:15am. 

Next meeting: January 13th at 10:00am.



Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia Dudenhoffer, Recorder